L’unicef prévoit de venir en aide à 110,3 millions d’enfants

UNICEF plans to help 110.3 million children

Never before have so many children crossed borders, with or without their families and sometimes unaccompanied. Nearly 37 million children worldwide are displaced by conflict and violence, the highest number since World War II.

Millions of children around the world face danger every day: water crisis, health and nutrition crisis, education crisis, protection crisis and participation crisis.

In 2022, 23.8 million children were vaccinated against measles, 28 million had access to education, 2.6 million children aged 6 to 59 months suffering from severe emancipation were admitted for treatment!

The year 2022 will have been marked by crises for millions of the world’s most vulnerable children. Never before have so many children suffered from unprecedented floods and droughts, the spread of conflicts and their consequences, the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and political instability!

UNICEF wishes a better life for these children!

This is why in 2023, UNICEF remains committed to promoting the rights of children with disabilities and the participation of people of all ages, particularly children and adolescents affected by humanitarian emergencies.

Furthermore, it is committed to carrying out urgent, integrated and multi-sectoral interventions aimed at preventing famine.

In 2023, UNICEF will continue to invest in climate action for children to ensure that the services they need to survive, grow and thrive are resilient to climate and environmental shocks.

SOURCE: unicef.org

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